The Sterkies Poison has been a favorite among Mavunganan Flyfishing guides for years. Originally designed for finicky smallmouth Yellowfish in Sterkfontein Dam, this pattern has evolved into a deadly weapon for yellowfish, trout, and other species across South Africa.

The original pattern featured a PTN tail, black thread body, dubbing thorax, and a black CDC collar. The jig version is a variation tied on a jig hook with a CDL tail and Fulling Mill Straggle Chenille for added "bugginess" and UV material.

In our three-part series on jig flies, the Sterkies Poison might seem like an unlikely choice for stillwaters. However, jig nymphs offer several advantages. First, they can be used in both rivers and stillwaters, simplifying your fly box. Second, their profile and position in the water are more natural. Jig nymphs allow you to present a smaller fly, which is often more effective for nymph fishing. You'll find yourself fishing sizes 18 and 20 instead of 14 and 16 on a straight shank hook. The jig hook and slotted bead help your fly sit perpendicular in the water, improving your catch rate.

The beauty of this pattern is that by changing the size and color of the bead you're able to cover a multitude of species, conditions and fisheries. 

How to tie the Sterkies Poison:

Materials List 


Step 1 - Lay your thread base and tie in 3 to 4 CDL fibers. The length of the tail shouldn't be longer than the length of the hook shank.  
Step 2 - Wrap your thread forward, creating a taper for the body of your fly. Once you reach the bead, tie in a piece of your Micro Streamer Straggle chenille and secure. 
Step 3 - Wrap 1 to 2 wraps of the chenille before securing and cutting off. 
Step 4 - Tie in the CDC collar. You can do this by either splitting the thread and twisting the CDC, or you can tie in a single CDC feather at the tip, and palmer it forward. 
Step 5 - After securing your CDC collar, tie in another short piece of chenille. 
Step 6 - Tie off your chenille and whip finish your last thread wrap. You can add a drop of super glue to secure the thread. 
